
Sunday, 11 December 2011

Miss World 2011 Winner

Posted by Unknown  |  Tagged as:

Miss World 2011 Winner Is Miss Venezuela,"Ivian Lunasol Sarcos Colmenares" Born on july 26, 1989,in Guanare,portuguesa,venezuela.

she was orphaned at a young age and spent five years studying at a nunnery. She dreamd to become a nun but her life gone in a different way.At the age of 8 as her parents passed away, 
Sarcos was raised by the nuns.
She said: 'Winning means everything to me and I hope to take advantage of being a winner in a productive manner. I’m unbelievably happy to have won and there are some incredible girls. 
I first and foremost want to help people in need. I would like to help people like me. I am an orphan. I would also like to help the elderly and troubled teenagers. As many people as I can.
'Unfortunately I lost both my parents at a very young age which led me to study for five years in a nunnery. 
I spent my five years in there and my dream was to become a nun.'
Mt hearty congratulations to her.Wish her through your comments and have a look at some pictures of her.

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