
Sunday, 24 April 2011

Sexy Hot Ring Girla - Ariany Celeste

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Now we got a hot ring girls here in girlsmodele, her name was Arianny Celeste, yeah we got another hot babe from Las Vegas Nevada, the same place of leah dizon, Arianny Celeste was born on 12 november 1985. she was known as a models and a famous ring girls.

She found work as a model almost immediately. Her first gig was modeling for a car seat company at the young age of only 4-months-old

She took time off and began modeling again at the age of thirteen, having no breaks since then. She is most famous for her work as a UFC ring girl. Before gaining this job, Celeste had her breasts augmented. This news was leaked on various mma forums although Celeste attempted to keep the information quiet. She has also worked in print, commercials, and has appeared at conventions and trade shows, and pageants. Celeste has stated that she loves mma fights - so much in fact, that she dated fighter Josh Burkman.

Celeste's future plans include pursuing a singing career and continuing to model.

Yeah now let's see her best picture gallery of Arianny Celeste on Sexy Hot Ring Girla - Ariany Celeste

Name: Arianny Celeste
Born: November 12, 1985
Birth Place: Las Vegas, Nevada
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 105 lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Bust: 34C
Waist: 23
Hips: 34
Dress: 1
Shoes: Size 7







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